Monday, May 3, 2010


I asked Allah why I wasn't rich.
And He showed me a man
with the wealth of thousand kings,
who was lonely,
and had no one to share it with.

I asked Allah
why He allowed me to become old.
And He showed me a boy of 16,
who lay dead at a scene of a car accident.

I asked Allah why I didn't have a biggerhouse.
And He showed me a family of six,
who'd just got evicted from their tiny shack,
and were forced to live on the street.

I asked Allah why I wasn't smarter.
And Heshowed me a natural born genius,
who wasserving life in prison
for making ill use of hisknowledge.

I asked Allah
why He put up with a thanklesssinner like me.
And He showed me His Quran,
and the sacrifices of His beloved Prophet,
and I knew then how much He loved me...


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